

Breeches Buoy

Newbiggin Heritage Partnership owns a breeches buoy and some of the associated equipment used in ship to shore rescue. The system uses a line between the boat and the shore and the person being rescued sits in a device which looks like a pair of pants connected to a flotation buoy. The project proposal is to set up the equipment in the Mary Joicey Hall in the Maritime Centre with a mannequin in the buoy as a visual attraction in the ceiling space. This coupled with the RNLI D type inflatable lifeboat will bring another dimension to the exhibition.

Coble Boat Festival

Boats and water always attract people. The Coble is the boat of Newbiggin and there are societies who are interested in displaying and discussing them. A weekend festival would bring in visitors.

Setting Newbiggin Alight

One thing that has increased participation within Newbiggin during the cold months of winter is the tree erected in the town centre and lit with pretty lights. The Mousehole project sees local people erecting Christmas lights in the town and in its harbour to attract visitors thereby stimilating the local economic activity. Although the County Council would have you believe that Christmas lights are a complicated technical project experience shows that they can be built simply with monimum skills. A volunteer group is responsible for the lights in Alnwick, not the council; and a volunteer group in Newbiggin could enhance the town centre and the promenade.

The Heritage Trail

The Heritage Trail is well established and has blue signs to indicate the itemson the trail but it needs developing with more description on each of the buildings.

Heritage Trail leaflets are available from Newbiggin Maritime Centre.


The Art Trail

Newbiggin has a thriving artistic community and a rich variety of artworks to explore. "Couple" by Sean Henry may be our most famous but a walk around the village will reveal more than sixty other pieces of art.

Art Trail leaflets are available from Newbiggin Maritime Centre.


Car Park Enhancement

Installation of various maritime related artefacts such as buoys within the car park area has already started. Interpretation boards would enhance the general area.


Wild Flower Garden

Setting up a group to manage the wild flower garden surrounding the Maritime Centre could possibly access funding if it were a fully constituted group affiliated to NHP


The Grey Wall of Newbiggin

This is another project based on the work the team saw at Cromer where the sea walls were decorated with pictures of maritime related scenes. Newbiggin has a long sea wall which would lend itself to being painted by arts groups under the direction of the Heritage Partnership. Preliminary designs were produced as part of the 2011 Big Draw conducted by KEAP Creative, a local arts group.